Jonathan Shaw is a worship leader known for his passionate and authentic love for God. His testimony is one of epic proportions, from being pronounced clinically dead upon birth for 30 minutes and miraculously coming back to life, to escaping a second near death experience and unprecedented healing from a lacerated kidney and liver during a college football game, to fighting through the shame and agony of a failed marriage only to experience God reward his faithfulness by restoring his family after an amazing journey from Miami, Florida to Nashville, Tennessee and four years of divorce. Jonathan's passionate desire is to encourage his listeners to find refuge, hope and strength through a surrendered heart of worship unto the God of all creation. He believes that worship is the key that grants us access to God's perspective on our circumstances, activation of unshakable faith and the testimony of victory that will forever serve as a monument for others to draw strength from to overcome any trial they may be facing.
Jonathan has been a published songwriter with Capitol Christian Music Group and is now making preparations to record his first album and begin traveling to spread his faith message across the globe. He's had the privilege to sing and/or collaborate with world-renown producers and artists such as Rodney Jerkins a.k.a "DarkChild", Jordan Feliz, Joy Enriquez (Hosanna - The Greatest Hero), Byron "Talkbox" Chambers, Bryan Popin, Leah Condren (Made for More), Keith Thomas, Aaron Lindsey (Arise), Marvin Winans Jr., Dominique Jones (Forever Jones), Bishop Joseph Garlington, Adam Ranney, Rick Robinson, Myron Butler, Anita Wilson, Tim Bowman, Mary Alessi, Martha Munizzi, David & Nicole Binion, Ingrid Rosario, Clint Brown, Khristian Dentley, Ron Kenoly, The Kenoly Brothers, Pablo Villatoro, Tina Crawley, LaRue Howard and Michael Gungor.
For bookings, please contact Jonathan Shaw Ministries by email at: JonathanShawMinistries@gmail.com - God bless you!

WRITTEN by: Jonathan Shaw